Fenwick Island Lions Club 2015-2016
Fenwick Island Lions Club
Messages! & Articles:
Greetings all, I hope your winter has gone well and I am sure you are glad to see spring arrive!  I wanted to extend a personal invitation for you to join us Monday evening, April 20th at 6 PM for our 1st-ever FILC member meeting and dinner at Peaky’s Rooftop Restaurant & Bar.  For the meal, you will have a choice of “prime rib” or “smothered chicken.”  The cost is $15.50, which includes a beverage and gratuity – and you can make your selection when you arrive that evening. In an effort to increase our profile in the community, attract new members and be in a better position to sustain and increase the community services we offer, last fall our board of directors embraced a number of changes—all of which have been shared with you over the past several months.  One of those changes involves an evening meal and meeting, once a month, beginning in April.  This was done realizing that our luncheon meetings are, no doubt, a deterrent for our working members to attend meetings and a disincentive for working individuals to join us. Please mark your calendars and ask a neighbor to join us for this first evening meal and meeting of the season.  Past District Governor Bob Jones will be our guest speaker, who will talk about the Lion’s Leader Dog program.  You will also hear more about our mid-May plans for a picnic at Camp Barnes.  This will be a special ribbon cutting ceremony and celebration of the huge renovation of the camp’s restrooms, which is currently underway and our club has underwritten. We would love for you to be at our first evening meal and meeting and for you to join in the many planned activities this spring. Sharon and I hope to see you then, Bruce
Peaky’s Rooftop Restaurant & Bar. . . 13801 Coastal Hwy 8th Floor Ocean City, MD 21842 Phone number (410) 250-7663
We Serve to Help Others… with Courage and Talent to Succeed!